On International Holocaust Remembrance Day, we honor the six million Jews & countless others lost, & remind that Never Again is an ongoing endeavor for all.
Kingsville’s Deputy Mayor says the public school board’s suggested – & chosen – new school name is worse than prior choice due to another vulgar acronym.
Every day there’s more antisemitism being spread across Canada & the casualness it’s deployed, often by those who know better, leaves me uneasy & concerned.
The gaslighting is overwhelming. No, the convoy & blockades weren’t peaceful, democratic, or just, & weren’t as Canadian as Nanaimo bars or Butter Tarts…
Are Windsor’s only options to deal with vandalism & homelessness either tough on crime or path of atonement. What does your compassionate Windsor look like?
Jewish thoughts on Holocaust Remembrance Day: I won’t know the family I lost. This will never change. They aren’t even dust in the wind; dust can be seen.
Last year Windsor City Council approved the location and kicked the implementation process into high gear for a Safe Consumption Site. Today a newly elected city councillor is seeking to undo that progress and restart the process.
Hamilton issues bids for a $300mil transit “Bus Barn” garage that Mayor Dilkens calls a “Garage Mahal” for Windsor. Transit Windsor needs it; so what gives?
For January 2022, three of the panelists take a look backwards, rather than forward, to provide a retrospective on 2022 before moving ahead to what 2023 will bring.
In Windsor there are two groups fighting to make a better city and community for us to live in: those who want to confront reality and those who want to hide from it.
Everyone here is a Republican.
There was almost a fist fight in the US House of Representatives in 2022.
The first priority of this party was to remove the magnetometers that were installed after the insurrection to detect guns.
Good luck, USA
Jon Liedtke joins Kyle Horner on AM800 CKLW’s LIVE AND LOCAL to call out antisemitic garbage after Donald Trump dined with antisemites Kanye West and Nick Fuentes.
For September 2022, the Rose City Politics panel asks Biz X readers if they know who they are voting for and why? With the municipal election next… Read more: BIZ X Magazine: WINDSOR 2022 ELECTION
Not quite sure how I feel about 20 people in Windsor blocking two exit lanes of the Ambassador Bridge and having the Ford Government fold under that pressure and offer to negotiate directly with them…
Premier Ford announced this week he would introduce strong mayor legislation for both Ottawa and Toronto in 2023 and other Ontario cities in 2024. Like a bull in a china shop, the 800 pound gorilla is again chest beating and charging our democracy during ongoing municipal elections. All that’s old is new again.
Summer is a glorious season in Windsor for residents, and for our Summer 2022 Biz X Magazine column, the Rose City Politics panel opines on what Windsor can do to make summer living better?
The snow is melting, and with that comes hidden potholes and an annual conversation: cars versus bikes. Rose City Politics dives into the war on… Read more: BIZ X MAGAZINE: War on Auto or Bikes?
Am800’s Dan MacDonald invited Jon Liedtke to join him on The Dan MacDonald show to discuss the City of Windsor holding back on whether to address backyard cannabis smell concerns following a Health Canada pubic input period.
here are many different strategies that governments of all levels will take to deal with the impacts of Covid-19. Windsor City Council is tasked with coming up with a strategy for all Windsorites.
For March 2021, the Rose Rose City Politics panel opines on the Windsor City Council endorsement of the Public First report on economic diversification, with recommendations to come from administration on implementation.
The City of Windsor has seen many economic diversification strategies over the years and the Rose City Politics panel (each in their own individual opinions) breaks down what, if anything, is different about the situation now.
This month, the Rose City Politics panel is considering how the City of Windsor should address the costs imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic in its 2021 budget.
The year 2020 brought with it unexpected municipal expenses and revenue shortfalls and the Rose City Politics panel breaks down the situation.
Jon Liedtke joins Dan MacDonald to talk about Ontario government cannabis lounge consultations which could allow onsite cannabis edible sale & consumption.
Trudeau’s government announced on 420 they will legalize cannabis, and considering this, it made sense to explain summarize where cannabis policy stands in Canada.
The 1% megahospital levy has been approved and Jon Liedtke says it’s time Windsor gets a state-of-the-art hospital, and the location can prompt more regionalism.
It’s the time to judge Windsor municipal election council candidates. Following the election, no amount of judging affects the makeup or composition of council, short of a judgement rendering criminal charges.
To the local naysayers who say Windsor can’t achieve greatness, just shut the hell up and let those of us who want to champion and grow the city do so.
It’s time to rethink transit. It’s time to read our municipal planning priorities. It’s time to admit that transit in Windsor isn’t working as it should be.
You can tell that Def3, aka Danny Fernandez, spent his childhood travelling the world. His latest release Wildlif3 is a varied and encompassing album in scope, incorporating different musical styles, themes and nuances throughout this Canadian hip-hop album.
The election is over. The Liberals earned a majority government, Hudak is out, Windsor lost representation, but we haven’t discussed the outcome of the grassroots Decline Your Vote campaign.
Consumers want choice and simplicity, and much like the free market necessitates that business cut costs to increase profit, so to do consumers cut costs and will always seek the lowest cost for goods… in this case free.
With the entry of a third candidate into the mayoral foray, residents are left questioning just where the establishment candidates are for this fall’s municipal election.
Windsor City Council will decide whether to install a 10-foot wide accessible pathway throughout Willistead Park at the recommendation of the Windsor Accessibility Committee and city administration and there is opposition.
Voting none of the above is a valid method to voice displeasure with the candidates and actively participate in democracy.
In one swift motion, what could have been the finishing touches on the transformation and revitalization of the downtown core – the redevelopment and repurposing of the Paul Martin building – was effectively killed without warning and what could be argued in bad faith.
The end of the year has arrived and with it comes a fresh opportunity to put our collective houses in order, and make no mistake, our houses are quite messy and in dire need of being put in order.
Windsor StarApril 11, 2013Guest Column: Jon Liedtke The Lance, the University of Windsor’s student newspaper, the second largest in the city and the only weekly… Read more: The Windsor Star: Protecting The Lance
The Harper government has been muzzling scientists in many federal institutions, and the issues has come to the forefront again with recently passed new federal regulations.
“If your product is any good, you don’t need sexism to sell it.” This quote slipped into my mind as I was driving down Walker Road and saw a new billboard for radio station The Rock.
Michigan Governor Snyder announced last week that Detroit was in financial emergency and that he would appoint an emergency manager to have ultimate
authority over the fiscal affairs of the state for the next 18 months.
Israel has admitted that it had been giving female Ethiopian Jewish immigrants birth control injections without informing them as to what the injections were for, and often the shots were administered without the knowledge or consent of the women.
In choosing Kathleen Wynne over
Sandra Pupatello, not only did Ontario Liberal Party delegates send the first female premier to Queen’s Park, they also elected the first openly gay politician one to lead the province’s legislature as well.
Promoting safe sex is of the utmost importance and it should be done so in a professional and engaging way. Promoting sex itself is something that should not be undertaken by a student association.
Toronto Star columnist Rosie DiManno sensationalized a gruesome sexual assault trial involving 20 different women and was condemned internationally. Jon Liedtke offers his thoughts.
A fire at the Tazreen Fashions Ltd. factory in Bangladesh caused 112 deaths. It is disheartening and disgusting that while we have great safety standards, the majority of our purchases come from countries that do not.
If you’re offended by somebody saying, ‘Happy Holidays’ that’s fine, but it doesn’t mean that there is a “War on Christmas”.
Cheer up, enjoy the season and…Happy Holidays!
Disgraced former Windsor Public Library CEO Barry Holmes used a corporate credit card at his past job for personal purchases before doing the same in Windsor.
There’s debate over whether Windsor needs a second Santa Claus parade. Jon Liedtke says bring on more parades because the season is about the Three C’s of Christmas: capitalism, competition, and the Claus.
How to deal with obesity levels is a question being levied upon governments of all size and type. The question is more pressing to governments which provide a publicly funded healthcare system as the burden to provide support for the obese falls on all taxpaying citizens.
Just when the furor over Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s double prorogation had died down, McGuinty decided to employ the very same tactic to maintain control of a political situation before it devolved into scandal.
The fact that the Nobel Peace Prize has been awarded to the European is an affront to common sense. Having said this, it is essential to remember that we live not in a world where words have meanings, but rather, in a world in which words can be appropriated for specific purposes and definitions can change on a variable basis.
A quick trip over to Rob Anders Wikipedia page will reveal that there is an entire section dedicated to controversies surrounding the Conservative Calgary West MP.
It’s been revealed that 64 residents are currently barred from entering both city hall and the adjacent 400 building. Based on media reports, it seems administration view these individuals as either a nuisance or serious threat. The truth probably lies somewhere in the middle.
If the city allows one group to fly a flag at City Hall should they allow another? Are all flags allowed, or is there a line? Who makes these decisions? It’s easier to just stick with official flags of government.
What is controversial about the Beer Store bringing back the carry cases (aside from the fact they are not environmentally friendly and Increase waste), is that it is advertised on the main panel, “Will 8 Be Enough?”
OPINION: Cigarette package warning labels aren’t effective at lowering smoking rates and the government should let private businesses determine their own packaging.
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