Aug. 6, 2022
Jon Liedtke
Jason David Kander is an Afghan veteran who attained the rank of captain as an intelligence officer in the Army National Guard, former Missouri secretary of state and member of the Missouri House of Representatives.
He ran for US Senate in Missouri, losing narrowly to his Republican opponent, and decided to run for President of the United States of America and Mayor of Kansas City, before realizing and revealing he was suffering from PTSD from his time in military service.
Today he works with homeless and at-risk veterans.
Jason Kander joined Jon Liedtke on AM800 CKLW to talk about his experiences in the military and politics, battles with PTSD and depression, & his new book, Invisible Storm, which is an intimate look at life after politics and military service while dealing with mental health issues.

ON-Air Fill-In Host
Windsor, ON
Find more of Jon Liedtke’s opinion and commentary on AM800 CKLW HERE
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