The Urbanite – Jon Liedtke – April 9, 2014
The low down on The Big sLow Down
You don’t have to head down to Memphis for southern style cooking.
Phog Lounge has partnered with Public Capital Projects to offer home cooked meals to hungry and thirsty patrons.
The Big sLow Down monthly event is based on the idea of southern cooking and a slowdown, according to founder Eric Brockman who ran a similar event in Toronto.
Brockman worked in restaurants front-of- house and is a self-described food enthusiast who lacks formal training. His partner Mitch Slaney worked at Windsor Yacht Club for several years.
The Big sLow Down offered patrons blooming onions, Boston-style baked beans with bacon, slow-smoked Memphis style baby-back ribs, roasted potatoes, parmesan and lemon swiss chard and a spicy chocolate mousse. The ribs and three sides cost $15.
“I’ve been at every rib night, I haven’t missed one yet,” said diner Murad Erzinclioglu. “The food, the atmosphere… I like food. There’s nothing to argue with. It’s a good deal, good music, food and friends it’s only gotten better and busier every time I come. I hope it continues on.”
Brockman began concocting the rib sauce 15 years ago and the meat is smoked for several hours following 10 hours of mariating in a dry rub.
“We just want people to enjoy it and tell their friends about it and everyone can have this monthly gathering and enjoy great food,” said Slaney regarding the motivation for the event.
“There’s the idea of Public Capital Projects, we’d like it to be a series of different things that we can provide for the community, do things that become public capital… and the other side of that is just being food enthusiasts,” said Brockman. “This isn’t our day job, we’ve got to put our heads together, come up with recipes that people like and it helps us stay sharp.”
Brockman and Slaney both identify on a certain level as an artists with a community based mindset.
“This is something that we absolutely love doing and we think it’s going to benefit the community. If we can do it without costing us money, then it’s a great way to spend three or four days once a month,” said Brockman.
Phog Lounge co-owner Tom Lucier explained the motivation behind losing the use of his kitchen on a monthly basis.
“I like having variety,” said Lucier. “I think the people in this community that appreciate new stuff, they’re the ones that dig it.”
Lucier noted that getting involved in different projects can be beneficial in the future and helps to ensure success of businesses generally.
“[The] project doesn’t have a necessary initial payoff, but [it] benefits us in the long-run in terms of introducing new people to our space, and transforming our space for the people that do come here on the regular”
JON LIEDTKE – April 9, 2014
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Jonathon Liedtke is the managing editor of The Urbanite, Windsor’s alternative newspaper. He is also a member of Windsor’s “Punk with Horns” band The Nefidovs, and as such, is committed to enhancing and sustaining the arts community.

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