The Greater Essex County District School Board is embroiled in ongoing controversy regarding a new county school name which will serve the populations of several existing schools which will be consolidated.
A public committee struck by the board brought forward their suggestions for the new school’s name: Kingsville District Academy & Greater Kingsville Academy.
However, a trustee pushed through Erie Migration Academy due to concerns that the name was not all encompassing because it also would see students from neighbouring town Harrow attend and not only those from Kingsville. It was also suggested that the name would resonate with birders.
Some students and community members were upset that their suggestions were not taken into consideration because Erie Migration Academy wasn’t suggested by the public committee.
Students have publicly complained that the acronym of Erie Migration Academy is EMA, which defines as, Eat My Ass. Some students fear rival sports teams will chant “EMA” or “Eat My Ass” at student players during games.
Following this at another school board meeting, the debate was shut down following a vote to change the name – again – this time to Erie Migration District school, which has prompted further concerns.
Kingsville’s deputy mayor says that Erie Migration District school is a worse name according to her children due to its acronym listed on Eat My Dick.
OY VEY, this is something to KVETCH about!

ON-Air Fill-In Host
Windsor, ON
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