Rose City Politics: Jon Liedtke asks PM Trudeau what government can do to reduce antisemitism

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau (Jon Liedtke)
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau (Jon Liedtke)

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was in Windsor Ontario and held a media availability at UNIFOR 444 HQ after meeting with union members. Jon Liedtke asked Prime Minister Trudeau what role the federal government had in reducing antisemitism nationally. 

QUESTION from Liedtke: “We’ve seen some incredible increases in anti-Semitism. Across the country, I’m wondering what you think the role of the federal government is to help stamp that out.”

Answer from PM Trudeau: “Well, the government has continued to step up in pushing back against the rise in hatred that we’re seeing around the around the country, whether it’s working directly with police, with police services across the country, whether it’s making sure that community and religious centers have the right kinds of protections or whether it’s just reminding Canadians of who we are. Yes, the freedom to protest is sacrosanct and a really important part of our free, robust democracy. But that doesn’t give you the right to make a fellow citizen feel unsafe in their own home, in their own community, in their own neighborhood. And we need to make sure that even as people are feeling extraordinarily impacted by what’s going on on the other end of the world, they don’t take it out on their fellow Canadians because, you know, that’s not the kind of country we are.”

Rose City Politics: Jon Liedtke asks PM Trudeau what government can do to reduce antisemitism | Spreaker


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