Ward 9 councillor Kieran McKenzie and Halo Heats Owner & Heat Seeker Hot Sauce Festival Organizer Jeff Denomme join Jon Liedtke in the AM800 studio for the THURSDAY ROUNDTABLE to discuss:
- Customers line up for new downtown poutinerie
- Earlier this week Pierre Poilievre and Danielle Smith said they didn’t read a shirt that said STRAIGHT PRIDE they were photographed with, federal Ministers regularly say they don’t read materials, and today Doug Ford says he didn’t read a list. Does anyone in government…read?
- Inflations raises 2024 outsourced parking enforcement costs
- Survey shows support for backyard chickens but CK health officials say they pose risks

ON-Air Fill-In Host
Windsor, ON
Find more of Jon Liedtke’s opinion and commentary on AM800 CKLW HERE
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