The Shift with Jon Liedtke
March 6, 2023
Topic: There are 6,500 applicants on Windsor’s affordable housing waitlist, and with Meadowbrook – the city’s first largescale public housing development in 30 years – only offering 76 affordable and subsidized units and the city only adding 25 units on average annually, there’s a lot more work to do.
Meadowbrook costs: $37mil for 150 units
=$250k X 6500 waitlist
=$1.5billion total to clear Windsor’s affordable housing waitlist
Meadowbrook Place looking for tenants (
Interview with: Fabio Costante, ward 2 city councillor & Windsor Essex Community Housing Corporation chair

ON-Air Fill-In Host
Windsor, ON
Find more of Jon Liedtke’s opinion and commentary on AM800 CKLW HERE
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