Topic: Ford Government invoking notwithstanding clause to impose labour contract on Ontario CUPE workers
Interview with: Lisa Gretzky, MPP Windsor West, Ontario
Audio Link
Topic: How can the union fight the notwithstanding clause imposed by the Ford Government on Ontario CUPE education workers?
Interview with: Rich Appaiah, Appiah Law Employment and Labour Counsel
Audio Link
Topic: Ford Government invoking notwithstanding clause to impose labour contract on Ontario CUPE workers
Interview with: Darlene Sawchuk, president, CUPE 1358
Audio Link
Topic: Windsor Essex drone photography
Interview with: Steve Biro, local photographer
Audio Link not available online
Topic: Dan MacDonald catches over 30 WIFF flicks
Interview with: Dan MacDonald, host AM800 CKLW’s The Dan MacDonald Show
Audio Link not available online

ON-Air Fill-In Host
Windsor, ON
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