[Windsor Star] High times are literally here for downtown Windsor’s first cannabis vapour lounge.
Higher Limits, the new business at 251 Ouellette Ave., has caught the attention of that illustrious periodical of all things pot-related, High Times magazine.

In an online article, the magazine (which was founded in 1974) focuses on the latest controversy at Windsor’s new medicinal marijuana establishment: The fact that it’s illegal for the lounge to
have ashtrays.
According to the Windsor-Essex County Health Unit, Higher Limits isn’t allowed to have any products on the premises that could be related to tobacco consumption, due to the Smoke-Free Ontario Act.
High Times contributor Mike Adams of Indiana writes: “When Higher Limits opened its doors several weeks ago, owner Jon Liedtke did not realize that he was going to have to employ a full-time janitorial crew to keep the floors and tables of his cannabis lounge free of the charred remnants of once-delicious bud.”
The High Times article relies on local media for its information — drawing from CBC Windsor coverage, and including a photograph of Liedtke at the lounge that was taken by Windsor Star photographer Dan Janisse.
Windsor Star: http://windsorstar.com/storyline/windsorshigher- limits-makes-high-times-magazine
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