The Urbanite: Mystery mayoral candidate reveals platform to fellow candidates

Windsor City Halls (Jon Liedtke)
Windsor City Halls (Jon Liedtke)

The Urbanite – Jon Liedtke – Oct. 7, 2014

Windsor’s most enigmatic mayoral candidate has broken the silence after filing to run by releasing his platform to fellow candidates via e-mail.

Bruce Martin’s release to all candidates at 2:15 a.m. Tuesday morning explains voters will not see lawn signs or the candidate seeking “media spotlight” but rather the candidate offering “visions and the direction to fulfill it” because both Windsor and the world is at a “very dangerous tipping point.”

The e-mail continues, “It is vital we each as individuals in concern for our families, for every citizen of Windsor and throughout the world, set aside our differences, unite as a team and do everything humanly possible within our capacity to safeguard our freedoms, so to ensure future health, happiness and prosperity.”

Martin is listed on the City of Windsor website as a mayoral candidate, though unlike other candidates who provide both voters and the city contact information, Martin opted to only list his name.

Windsor’s manager of records and elections, Chuck Scarpelli, explained last week candidates can opt to include only their name on the city’s election website and that Martin is indeed a valid candidate.

While Martin declined to list any contact information for voters to reach him on the city website, all candidates are required to list their address on their nomination form.

A trip to the city clerk’s office revealed Martin lives at 150 Park St. W., in Victoria Park Place condominium.

Touting himself as “Made in Windsor” in his e-mail to fellow candidates, Martin explained he was born in Windsor to a Native French Canadian mother and Hungarian father. Martin’s father immigrated, worked in skilled trades at the Walker Road Chrysler Plant, and passed away when he was young. His mother passed away recently after a battle with cancer.

Martin’s platform includes cutting taxes, creating incentives for businesses to create jobs, a pledge not to cut jobs, wages, pensions or benefits, a pledge not to sign contracts which don’t include guaranteed jobs for Windsor, nor cut councillor wages, a commitment to transparency, a partial refund of hydro and utility profits, and a pledge to dechlorinate Windsor’s water.

In the e-mail Martin provided no means of how to achieve his platform. He has yet to respond to media requests.

Mystery mayoral candidate reveals platform to fellow candidates (

Jon Liedtke (The Urbanite – Jay Verspeelt)

Jonathon Liedtke is the managing editor of The Urbanite, Windsor’s alternative newspaper. He is also a member of Windsor’s “Punk with Horns” band The Nefidovs, and as such, is committed to enhancing and sustaining the arts community.

The Urbanite


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