The Urbanite – Jon Liedtke – Sept. 10, 2014
It’s the time to judge Windsor municipal election council candidates. Following the election, no amount of judging affects the makeup or composition of council, short of a judgement rendering criminal charges.
Currently there is no legislation to recall councillors from office, and since Queen’s Park hasn’t moved forward yet on Premier Kathleen Wynne’s intention to allow ranked ballot voting for municipalities, electors are stuck with who we get until 2018.
As candidates are on the campaign trail, knocking on doors, kissing babies and doing other candidate type things (see the election episodes of The West Wing, seasons four and seven, for a totally real portrayal of what candidates are going through), the electorate is often provided a staged, scripted and entirely uncandid candidate.
It goes that candidates campaign one way and govern entirely differently, which makes judging a candidate difficult if presented with one who is willing to say or do anything to get elected.
When talking to a candidate, ask them about their platform, plan, and ways they hope to achieve their goals. While your interests and wants are of the most pressing concern, don’t be swayed by candidates who’ll promise you the sky because in reality, they’ll most likely fall short.
The old adage rings true: “Promises are like babies: easy to keep, hard to deliver.”
Election’s are wonderful opportunities for candidates to get involved in the community, meet potential constituents, engage one-on-one and talk about the issues that affect residents the most.
Unfortunately, they also serve as an echo-chamber in which residents often hear platitudes and promises regurgitated, platform to platform.
Take the time to research your ward candidates and those seeking the mayoralty, lest learn about them once they’ve attained power.
Agree? Disagree? Want to talk about The West Wing? Tweet me
-JON LIEDTKE @jonliedtke

Jonathon Liedtke is the managing editor of The Urbanite, Windsor’s alternative newspaper. He is also a member of Windsor’s “Punk with Horns” band The Nefidovs, and as such, is committed to enhancing and sustaining the arts community.

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