Jonathon Liedtke – – April 24, 2013
OurWindsor wanted to imagine a Windsor without budget constraints and reductions, a city that has a transit service that is able to directly bring riders from one location to another with little to no interruptions along the way.
Unfortunately we don’t live in such a city in Windsor. Much like other municipalities in the 21st century, our city is still standing on rocky ground.
“[Transit] is built for everyone,” explained Pat Delmore, Director of Operations of Transit Windsor. “You want to build it so that it begins in a very heavily-used area whether it’s a mall or a terminal like we have downtown or the university … and you feed out to where you need to get people.”
As Delmore explained, transit service isn’t about direct routes from one place to another, but rather about moving residents throughout the city.
“In a city like Windsor, [our] downtown is not in the centre of the city – an area like Forest GladeT that takes a considerable amount of time to get downtown … it’s not so much about creating direct service because [it’s not feasible],” Delmore added.
Five Direct Routes that don’t exist which readers want:
County Loop: Downtown, La Salle Leamington, Kingsville, Essex, Amherstburg
Many readers expressed that they wanted an integrated county bus system, one which would take them from the downtown bus terminal to La Salle, Leamington, Kingsville, Essex and Amherstburg. There are many county residents which have to travel into Windsor quite frequently and conversely many Windsorites who need to travel into the county. An integrated transit system would allow for residents to get around our entire region relatively inexpensively.
Education Route: Downtown, University, College, Downtown Loop
With the University of Windsor opening new campuses in the core and St. Clair College adding new programs at their main campus, a direct education route would be beneficial for students looking to get around the city. A route which travelled along a circuit of the different post-secondary education institutions in the city would ensure that students are able to get to class on time.
Shopping Route: Downtown, Devonshire Mall, Walker Road, Tecumseh Mall
Countless readers expressed frustration that in order to get to Devonshire Mall, they had to take multiple routes from their start point. A route that frequented the major shopping destinations in the city would allow for residents looking to make purchases to do so in an easy and convenient manner.
Riverfront: Along the entire riverfront
Windsor has a beautiful riverfront and currently there isn’t a transit route that travels the entire span. A route that traveled from one end of the riverfront path to the other would allow for tourists who want to enjoy our scenic riverfront to do so more conveniently if they don’t want to walk, while also allowing for residents who want to get into the core to do so quickly.
Transit Route: Bus terminal, Airport, Rail, Proposed Ferry
With a new downtown bus terminal, expansions at the airport, a new VIA rail station and a proposed ferry linking downtown Windsor to downtown Detroit, a transit route which just travelled on a circuit linking all transit facilities would be beneficial. A proposed route would allow for tourists and Windsorites who are traveling alike to do so in an easy manner.

Five transit routes that don’t exist…but readers think should (
Jonathon Liedtke is the Features & Opinion Editor for the University of Windsor Lance Campus/Community Newspaper and a reporter for As a founding member and current Co-Chair of the Mayor’s Youth Advisory Committee, he is committed to representing, connecting, engaging with and advocating for local youth. He is also a member of Windsor’s “Punk with Horns” band The Nefidovs, and as such, is committed to enhancing and sustaining the arts community.
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