Jonathon Liedtke – – Feb. 7, 2013
Outgoing Ontario Finance Minister Dwight Duncan announced today that he was submitting his resignation as MPP for Windsor-Tecumseh effective Thursday, February 14, 2013.
“There are still many difficult choices ahead … this province in my view has another 4-5 years of difficult choices” stated Duncan to reporters at a press event held this morning to mark his stepping down as Minister of Finance.
Duncan, who has served in public office for nearly 25 years, held numerous important positions within McGuinty’s cabinet (Deputy Premier, Minister of Finance, Minister of Government Services, Minister of Energy, Chair of the Management Board of Cabinet and Government House Leader) and he explained that being Minister of Finance is “a very lonely job … you’re the one that has to bring the bad news to your colleagues … you’re very isolated … you’re always Dr. No”.
“I am proud to have served my constituents in Windsor and Tecumseh, and the people of Ontario as a whole”, stated Duncan in a Facebook farewell address, “For me, on a deeply personal level, it’s time to move on. Spending more time with family and friends is at the top of my ‘to-do’ list. My son Sean’s entire life has been spent with his dad in elected office. He has supported that in every way imaginable. We both love to travel and plan to do a lot more of that”.
“You only have to know Dwight Duncan for a short time to know that he’s proud to be from Windsor. But, the more you learn about Dwight’s public service, the more you realize that his love for his hometown inspired him to make life better in all Ontario communities,” commented former Premier McGuinty who added that as the longest serving Finance Minister in the modern era, Duncan had helped to make Ontario “stronger, fairer and more prepared for a future of constant change and ever-growing opportunity”.
Duncan, who many had thought would seek to run for leadership of the Ontario Liberal Party, explained that the party was in need of renewal and that “renewal involves more than change at the very top”.
“I have known and worked with Kathleen [Wynne] for many years,” commented Duncan, “She is a passionate Liberal who knows that one of the essences of Liberalism is hope for the future and a better tomorrow. She is intelligent, compassionate, disciplined and incredibly hard working. She will be a great Leader and Premier”.
Believing that Premier Wynne will need a free hand to “clearly distinguish her new government”, Duncan believes that there are many talented people in the Liberal caucus who will “help her put our Party back on the path to a majority government. My departure will help with that as well”.
“Dwight has an outstanding record of achievement”, stated Premier-designate Kathleen Wynne “It was a pleasure to work closely with him and I know his accomplishments have had a profoundly positive impact on the daily lives of the people he has so proudly represented. He is a tribute to the people of Windsor, and I will miss his presence and his insight”.
In an interview with the Windsor Star, Duncan didn’t rule out a potential federal run, and he explained in his statement that he will say more about “other personal developments, including my next career” in the “days and weeks ahead”.
“This isn’t goodbye, it’s thank you,” commented Duncan to reporters. “I intend to be around and commenting”.

No love for Windsor on Valentine’s Day as Duncan resigns from cabinet (
Jonathon Liedtke is the Features & Opinion Editor for the University of Windsor Lance Campus/Community Newspaper and a reporter for As a founding member and current Co-Chair of the Mayor’s Youth Advisory Committee, he is committed to representing, connecting, engaging with and advocating for local youth. He is also a member of Windsor’s “Punk with Horns” band The Nefidovs, and as such, is committed to enhancing and sustaining the arts community.
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