UWindsor Lance
Issue 21, Volume 85
Nov. 21, 2012
Jon Liedtke
Every now and then the ugly word ‘competition’ rears its way into a conversation about Windsor and its establishments.
Throughout the year, business establishments of all varieties in Windsor operate without much conflict with their competition.
Capitalism often necessitates aggressive business practices as businesses must both actively expand and attempt to limit their competition. However, in integrated communities, often times the game that is known as competition is not one that is mutually agreed upon to result in death.
In some communities, there are businesses which work together to increase the sales of both parties. Bay Street hotshots call this ‘synergy’ and it’s branded, packaged and distributed for a hefty profit. The majority of people understand that working together is often fruitful for all parties, whereas fierce competition typically only benefits the stronger party.
Much to my dismay, the City of Windsor is embroiled in a battle of words over a Santa Claus Parade; neigh, over the possibility of two parades.
It would seem some are upset at the fact that there might be two Santa Claus parades— the longstanding one in Sandwich Town and a new parade hosted by
the Downtown Windsor Business Improvement Association. So much for holiday cheer. It would seem that people get rather territorial around the holidays.
Even Windsor’s Crimson Canuck, our real life ‘superhero,’ is opposed to a secondary parade, saying via Facebook, “Windsor does not need an X-mas parade in Old Sandwich. The downtown Ouellette parade should be the only one this year!”
It’s time to stop arguing and start embracing what the holiday season is all about: excessive capitalism.
So let’s all get in the traditional holiday spirit and take part in capitalism by promoting competition.
If another party wants to host an additional parade, it is well within their rights to attempt to put on one. After securing permits and sponsorship, all that is left is
to engage parade participants and advertise the event.
Does Windsor need a second parade? Probably not.
Is there merit in having a second parade? Absolutely.
Capitalism, competition and the Claus: the three C’s of Christmas.
Competition, the reason for the season
Issue 21, Volume 85
Nov. 21, 2012
Jon Liedtke
Page 2
Jon Liedtke was the Features and Opinions Editor, Advertising Manager and Deficit Consultant at the UWindsor Lance.

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