UWindsor Lance
Issue 14, Volume 85
Oct. 3, 2012
Jon Liedtke
Having attended the opening night performance of the Windsor Symphony Orchestra in the newly renovated Capitol Theatre, I must unequivocally state that I was blown away.
Experiencing the WSO in the Capitol Theatre is an experience that every Windsorite should venture to undertake.
Speaking solely to the architecture, the Capitol looks the way that it should: classy, grand and magnificent. It was an experience that instantly removed me from the confines of Windsor, and transported me to somewhere far away, somewhere where imagery from the era of 1930 still lived on.
A red carpet and photographers wearing top hats first greeted those entering the facility, and it was this blending of the old and new which helped to create the atmosphere for the night.
The interior of the facility has been meticulously cleaned and repaired where necessary, while the marquee lights and exterior have equally had attention paid
upon them.
The music of the evening— a fiddle player’s interpretation of the orchestra— was a unique opening night performance, and while unconventional, was as superb
as one could expect from the WSO.
Having a symphony in the City of Windsor is a cultural gem that many take for granted. While there are many in the city that take advantage of what the WSO has to offer, I would venture to suggest that there is a far larger majority who don’t even know that we in fact have a symphony whatsoever.
The guest conductor of the evening commented that he was speaking to his contemporaries at the Toronto Symphony Orchestra who expressed disbelief that the WSO has recently moved into their own facility.
The Toronto Symphony Orchestra, which is considered to be one of Canada’s foremost symphonic ensembles, performs in Roy Thompson Hall, which is used for
numerous functions throughout the year.
Toronto, the capital of Ontario doesn’t even have a dedicated home for their Symphony Orchestra, but yet we, here in Windsor, have the cultural gem that is the
Capitol Theatre.
And while we are not the City of Toronto, and while the Capitol Theatre is certainly smaller than Roy Thompson Hall, it does speak wonders that the WSO has its
own dedicated facility that both they and the citizens of Windsor can be and should be proud of.
The Capitol Theatre, having sat empty for far too long, was dangerously close to becoming blight upon our city. Much like how the Walkerville Theatre (formerly
Tivoli) occupies valuable real estate on a busy road while slowly degrading into blight, the Capitol Theatre was close to mimicking the same path.
Fortunately for Windsorites and tourists alike, the Capitol Theatre will remain a viable, cultural gem in the city
Culture in the Core
Issue 14, Volume 85
Oct. 3, 2012
Jon Liedtke
Page 2
Jon Liedtke was the Features and Opinions Editor, Advertising Manager and Deficit Consultant at the UWindsor Lance.

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