Tag: Roseland

  • Targeted Benihana Shower Ads

    Targeted Benihana Shower Ads

    Jon, Frazier, Kristen and Doug cover the latest in Windsor Arena and Roseland redevelopments, muse a bit about public consultations and discuss the controversy over an interrupted delegation at the GECDSB meeting.

  • Izzy Loves Alleys

    Izzy Loves Alleys

    Jon’s away this week. Frazier, Kristen and Doug hold down the fort and discuss a housing development at Roseland, the end of garbage collection in most of Windsor’s alleys, and a possible reconsideration at the Greater Essex County District Schoolboard.

  • Proper Terminology Only

    Proper Terminology Only

    Jon, Doug and Melinda talk about the 2023 Windsor Budget council meeting, Ward 1 Fred Francis vs. Everyone, Windsor’s new CAO Joe Mancina, and Roseland Curling on the cutting board.