Tag: BIAs

  • Episode 2

    Episode 2

    Episode 2 contains appearances on Toronto’s Newstalk Tonight with Jim Richards and The Dan MacDonald Show, as well as the latest Rose City Politics.

  • Loblaw’s Massage

    Loblaw’s Massage

    Big panel this week as Jon, Don, Frazier and Doug come together to discuss the resolution of a closed meeting complaint against the City of Windsor and questions about the process around the Housing Accelerator Fund application in Tecumseh.

  • RCP SHOW: Booze Bucks Baby

    RCP SHOW: Booze Bucks Baby

    Melinda, Don, and Jon are joined by Councillor Kieran McKenzie to discuss the latest in the City BIA takeover story. Doug showed up late but in time to engage a discussion about the Downtown Mission and the fortunes of Downtown Windsor in general.

  • BIA Brouhaha II: BIApocalypse (RCP episode)

    BIA Brouhaha II: BIApocalypse (RCP episode)

    Ford City BIA chair Shane Potvin & Ward 9 city councillor Kieran McKenzie join Melinda, Kiemia, & Jon to discuss Windsor City Council taking over all nine BIAs & refusing to seat their elected members, what comes next, & how this affects local morale.