Category: Rose City Politics show

  • Targeted Benihana Shower Ads

    Targeted Benihana Shower Ads

    Jon, Frazier, Kristen and Doug cover the latest in Windsor Arena and Roseland redevelopments, muse a bit about public consultations and discuss the controversy over an interrupted delegation at the GECDSB meeting.

  • A Noticable Bulge

    A Noticable Bulge

    Jon, Frazier and Doug are your panelists today. Your topics this week: Brian Masse’s National Urban Park Private Member’s Bill hits a snag, funding for the civic esplanade is delayed, and new population estimates for Windsor-Essex.

  • Money Laundering with “Dawn”

    Money Laundering with “Dawn”

    Jon, Don and Doug chat about Windsor Regional Hospital CEO David Musyj heading to London, and the big show at City Council around the downtown safety and security initiative.

  • Break Out the Bubble Machine

    Break Out the Bubble Machine

    Don, Jon, Kristen and Doug are your panel as we discuss developers supporting Strengthen The Core, a new chief of staff for Mayor Drew Dilkens, and the latest unemployment figures from Statistics Canada’s official random number generator.

  • Seven Minutes in Heaven

    Seven Minutes in Heaven

    Full house as Jon, Don, Kristen, Frazier and Doug discuss the Housing and Homelessness Help Hub, the Strengthen the Core initiative, and Ontario byelections.

  • What’s a Caltrop?

    What’s a Caltrop?

    Regular panelists Jon, Frazier, Kristen and Doug are joined by guest panelist Darcie Renaud who joins us to break some news. After that, the panel discusses the City of Windsor employee satisfaction survey and the proposed investment in downtown revitalization.

  • The Greatest Employment Lawyer Canada Has Ever Seen

    The Greatest Employment Lawyer Canada Has Ever Seen

    Don, Jon, Frazier and Doug round up the latest employment news in this soft pilot of our new HR podcast.

  • The Knob’s Downtown

    A councillor wants a Transit Windsor service delivery report, Art Windsor Essex auctioning off some works, & the public-school board faces a deficit.

  • Loblaw’s Massage

    Loblaw’s Massage

    Big panel this week as Jon, Don, Frazier and Doug come together to discuss the resolution of a closed meeting complaint against the City of Windsor and questions about the process around the Housing Accelerator Fund application in Tecumseh.

  • Cowboy Jim Morrison

    Cowboy Jim Morrison

    This week Kristen, Frazier, Jon and Doug talk about the surprising quote in The Narwhal from ERCA CAO Tim Byrne. Later, we cover the expansion of the Banwell road intersection with EC Row.

  • The Joe Biden of Windsor-Essex Politics

    The Joe Biden of Windsor-Essex Politics

    Jon, Frazier and Doug are your panel for a discussion of Tecumseh’s successful application to the Housing Accelerator Fund, Fairmount Properties suing Windsor over the Grace site development, and MPP Lisa Gretzky’s comments around transparency relating to the recent health care cyberattack.

  • Izzy Loves Alleys

    Izzy Loves Alleys

    Jon’s away this week. Frazier, Kristen and Doug hold down the fort and discuss a housing development at Roseland, the end of garbage collection in most of Windsor’s alleys, and a possible reconsideration at the Greater Essex County District Schoolboard.

  • Penis Bush Memorial Streetcar

    Penis Bush Memorial Streetcar

    Jon, Frazier and Doug talked about the school naming kerfuffle in Kingsville, which raises the question in discussion: “why do we even have school boards anymore?”. Later, the panel debates whether automobility is a word and considers the streetcar location, once again.

  • We don’t care about The Toronto Star

    We don’t care about The Toronto Star

    Frazier, Jon and Doug cover the politics of counting housing starts, protests in Canada, and a harsh review of Windsor’s transit system.

  • Dingdongs or Twinkies?

    Dingdongs or Twinkies?

    Jon, Frazier, Don, Kristen and Doug talk about the end of additional federal homelessness funding and the latest in the Jackson Park bandshell saga.

  • Night Day Darkness Eclipse

    Night Day Darkness Eclipse

    Full house on the show with Jon, Don, Frazier, Kristen and Doug talking about the city budget, the latest in the housing debate, a potential Transit Windsor strike, and the upcoming eclipse.

  • The Garage Majal of Curling Rinks

    The Garage Majal of Curling Rinks

    Jon, Frazier and Doug talk about a new transit budget proposal, a cap on student visas, & a prominent move in the community.

  • Lame Goose Pun

    Lame Goose Pun

    Jon, Frazier and Doug talk about sprawl, budgets and geese.

  • Watch out for Snow Needles

    Watch out for Snow Needles

    Jon, Kristen and Doug talk about outsourcing and asset sales, ongoing drama around federal housing funds, and funding the arts in Windsor.

  • Leap Bridge

    Leap Bridge

    Jon, Frazier and Doug discuss the new vacant property tax in the context of the boarded-up homes on the west end, a story about the irrationality of people progressives disagree with, and one of the greatest instances of turd polishing in Windsor history, plus community benefits.

  • Windsor is not a Dog Patch

    Windsor is not a Dog Patch

    Regular panelists Don Merrifield Jr., Jon Liedtke, Kristen Siapas, and Doug Sartori, are joined by The Windsor Star’s Doug Schmidt to discuss the top stories of 2023, with a contribution from friend of the show Anne Jarvis.

  • Frazier Hates Downtown

    Frazier Hates Downtown

    Jon, Frazier and Doug talk about the tug-of-war between the federal Liberals and the City of Windsor on housing policy and the latest entry in the Globe And Mail’s focus series on Windsor.

  • We’re Failures, Please Help Us

    We’re Failures, Please Help Us

    The panel looks at the politics of the feds’ international students’ policy change, examine the Globe and Mail’s new Windsor pop-up bureau, & discuss Anne Jarvis’ latest Windsor Star column.

  • All Aboard the Lego Train

    All Aboard the Lego Train

    Don, Jon, Frazier and Doug look at the vacant building tax, Mayor Dilkens recent use of strong mayor powers, and temporary foreign workers at the new Stellantis / LG battery plant.

  • Unpacking Windsor Housing Data with Frazier Fathers

    Unpacking Windsor Housing Data with Frazier Fathers

    Longtime friend of the show and new panelist Frazier Fathers joins Don, Jon and Doug to talk about housing statistics in Windsor / Essex.

  • Rose City Pita Chips

    Rose City Pita Chips

    Don, Jon, Melinda and Doug discuss school naming policies, a new passenger train route and new employment lands.

  • Change Your Passwords Folks

    Change Your Passwords Folks

    Jon, Melinda and Doug talk about the impact of the hospital system hack, ward boundary reviews, and tactical bench removal.

  • Butter Tart Homicide

    Butter Tart Homicide

    Don, Melinda, Jon and Doug discuss the feasibility of relocating the City’s Bright Lights display, uploading E.C. Row Expressway, and For Your Consideration.

  • Stood Too Close to a Magnet

    Stood Too Close to a Magnet

    Jon, Melinda and Doug shoot the breeze about housing, immigration and homelessness. Fourplexes as-of-right is the jumping off point.

  • WIFF 2023 with Vincent Georgie

    WIFF 2023 with Vincent Georgie

    Jon, Melinda and Doug are joined by Vincent Georgie to discuss the Windsor International Film Festival in this special episode.

  • Confederacy Facts with Don

    Confederacy Facts with Don

    On this episode of Rose City Politics, Doug, Don, and Jon discuss: And in FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION, Doug brings up the Federal Liberal government’s efforts to modernize and regulate the internet with various pieces of legislation, with one affecting podcasts. Rose City Politics is brought to you with the kind support of LiUNA Local 625:…

  • Open the Book Bay Doors

    Open the Book Bay Doors

    On this show Jon, Melinda and Doug talk about a proposed portfolio system for Windsor councillors, a fresh coat of paint for a downtown eyesore, and a decision on the Jackson Park bandshell.

  • Taking it Seriously

    Taking it Seriously

    Jon, Don, Melinda and Doug develop a rubric for evaluating city councillors that will be used for our upcoming 2023 Rose City Politics Council Report Card.

  • Summer Smiles on the Streets

    Summer Smiles on the Streets

    Jon, Melinda and Doug have an upbeat, positive conversation about a number of good things happening on and around Windsor’s streets.

  • The One About The Number Two

    The One About The Number Two

    Guest panelist Frazier Fathers joins Jon and Doug to discuss new poverty data, Activate Transit Windsor Essex’s “BUS or BUST” campaign, and the response to a new encampment in South Windsor.

  • Zero Vision with Lori “The Weapon” Newton

    Zero Vision with Lori “The Weapon” Newton

    Jon, Melinda and Doug are joined by Lori Newton of Bike Windsor-Essex to discuss the changes to city committee structure and the cancellation of a temporary protected bike lane on University Avenue.

  • Drinking with the curlers

    Drinking with the curlers

    Jon, Melinda and Doug are joined by Jessica Sartori in the studio for a meandering discussion that starts with curling and ends with Jon roasting Doug, with lots of good fun and opinion in between. Rose City Politics is brought to you with the kind support of LiUNA Local 625: Building Better Communities. Support the…

  • Shack People Know They’re Shack People

    Shack People Know They’re Shack People

    Jon, Melinda and Doug discuss political rebranding at all levels of government.

  • Don’t Read the Dearborn Independent

    Don’t Read the Dearborn Independent

    Jon, Melinda and Doug look at a request for transparency around the use of strong mayor powers and the idea of a dedicated phone line for social services.

  • Rose City News Dirigible

    Rose City News Dirigible

    A bit of an off-format show tonight. Jon, Melinda, and Doug talk about C-18, the local news apocalypse and social media.

  • Nationalized Water Parks

    Nationalized Water Parks

    Don, Jon and Doug talk about the reaction to a west-end encampment and take an uninformed look at the Toronto by-election.

  • 👖👖👖with Kieran McKenzie

    👖👖👖with Kieran McKenzie

    Jon and Doug are joined by Ward 9 Councillor Kieran McKenzie to discuss a new approach to advisory committees, operating budget review comittee, and ‘unreasonable behaviour’ in public meetings.

  • Branding Consultant for Shitsville

    Branding Consultant for Shitsville

    Jon, Don and Doug discuss the Civic Esplanade Master Plan.

  • Doin’ it the French Way

    Doin’ it the French Way

    Don, Jon and Doug talk about the latest developments on the Stellantis / LG Battery Plant.

  • RCP SHOW: Don’t Burn it Down Folks

    RCP SHOW: Don’t Burn it Down Folks

    On this episode Jon, Melinda and Doug each bring their own item for your consideration.

  • Nice Battery Plant You Got There…

    Nice Battery Plant You Got There…

    Jon, Melinda and Doug dissect the drama surrounding the NextStar (Stellantis/LGES) EV Battery Plant investment.

  • What About Zalev’s?

    What About Zalev’s?

    Jon, Don, Melinda and Doug discuss Mayor Dilkens’ recent interview in the Narwhal Magazine about change in Windsor and the trade-offs between development and environment, building homes, industry, and a hospital near or on the Sandwich South lands, which leads all sorts of places.

  • Comic Sans Council

    Comic Sans Council

    Jon, Melinda and Doug talk about Mayor Dilkens’ new chief of staff, 2022 candidate financial disclosures, and a curious choice of typeface in City documents.

  • Proper Terminology Only

    Proper Terminology Only

    Jon, Doug and Melinda talk about the 2023 Windsor Budget council meeting, Ward 1 Fred Francis vs. Everyone, Windsor’s new CAO Joe Mancina, and Roseland Curling on the cutting board.

  • LIVE! Sunday Afternoon Sound Check: Calgary says in your face, Windsor

    LIVE! Sunday Afternoon Sound Check: Calgary says in your face, Windsor

    Jon, Melinda and Doug chat about Calgary placing first among North American cities in The Economist’s ranking of livability.

  • RCP SHOW: Screw it, we’ll do it live

    RCP SHOW: Screw it, we’ll do it live

    Jon, Don, Melinda, Kiemia & Doug chat about refugees in Windsor, the conversation with Mike Morency of Matthew House, & discuss Windsor’s economy & spirits on grocery store shelves.

  • RCP SHOW: RCP Interviews Mike Morency of Matthew House

    RCP SHOW: RCP Interviews Mike Morency of Matthew House

    Mike Morency of Matthew House discusses Windsor’s refugee influx, what needs to be done, & drops some exciting news about Matthew House.

  • RCP SHOW: We Still Haven’t Started the Show

    RCP SHOW: We Still Haven’t Started the Show

    Doug, Don, Melinda, and Jon talk about city council remuneration, ABC remuneration, and an expected 5% tax increase…BUT, maybe not if Mayor Dilkens can SAVE THE DAY

  • RCP SHOW: Booze Bucks Baby

    RCP SHOW: Booze Bucks Baby

    Melinda, Don, and Jon are joined by Councillor Kieran McKenzie to discuss the latest in the City BIA takeover story. Doug showed up late but in time to engage a discussion about the Downtown Mission and the fortunes of Downtown Windsor in general.

  • BIA Brouhaha II: BIApocalypse (RCP episode)

    BIA Brouhaha II: BIApocalypse (RCP episode)

    Ford City BIA chair Shane Potvin & Ward 9 city councillor Kieran McKenzie join Melinda, Kiemia, & Jon to discuss Windsor City Council taking over all nine BIAs & refusing to seat their elected members, what comes next, & how this affects local morale.

  • RCP SHOW: Rose City Praise

    RCP SHOW: Rose City Praise

    Jon, Don, Melinda & Doug discuss politicians challenging characterizations of the flood and Disaster Mitigation and Adaptation Fund (DMAF), downtown crime, arrests & The Downtown Mission, & QR codes to reduce panhandling.

  • Rose City Politics: MPP Andrew Dowie helps alleviate SafePoint CTS ‘delay’ concerns

    Rose City Politics: MPP Andrew Dowie helps alleviate SafePoint CTS ‘delay’ concerns

    MPP Andrew Dowie’s office says they’re not aware of any “concerns or delays” regarding the CTS application provincially.

  • Rose City Politics: It Looks an Awful Lot Like Hypocrisy

    Rose City Politics: It Looks an Awful Lot Like Hypocrisy

    Doug dives into local employment data and we talk what it means, Windsor Police are back at council meetings, & Mayor Dilkens accuses WECHU of Bait and Switch in CTS compromise.

  • RCP SHOW: It Looks an Awful Lot Like Hypocrisy

    RCP SHOW: It Looks an Awful Lot Like Hypocrisy

    Doug dives into local employment data and we talk what it means, Windsor Police are back at council meetings, & Mayor Dilkens accuses WECHU of Bait and Switch.

  • Rose City Politics: White People Shit

    Rose City Politics: White People Shit

    The panel discusses Windsor’s agency, board & committee appointments & public, media & political response, & “Carry on Kiemia” & “For Your Consideration”.

  • RCP SHOW: White People Shit

    RCP SHOW: White People Shit

    Jon, Kiemia, Melinda and Doug talk about Windsor’s agency, board and committee appointments and the public, media and political response so far, plus regular segments “Carry on Kiemia” and “For Your Consideration.”

  • RCP SHOW: Turbo and the Baconator

    RCP SHOW: Turbo and the Baconator

    Kiemia, Jon, Don, Melinda and Doug review the fallout from Councillor Agostino’s CTS motion, a possible anti-panhandling bylaw, and Transit Windsor buses running at capacity.

  • Rose City Politics: Turbo and the Baconator

    Rose City Politics: Turbo and the Baconator

    The panel reviews the fallout from Councillor Agostino’s CTS motion, a possible anti-panhandling bylaw, and Transit Windsor buses running at capacity.

  • Rose City Politics: Live from Maiden Lane: Mostly Gristle

    Rose City Politics: Live from Maiden Lane: Mostly Gristle

    The panel talk about panhandling bylaw proposal, Consumption & Treatment Site rescind motion, & Windsor Police Services Board of Directors composition.

  • Rose City Politics: Powered by Millennial Rage

    Rose City Politics: Powered by Millennial Rage

    Doug, Don, Jon, Melinda & Kiemia talk about the Windsor’s digital modernization consultation, the Capital Power gas plant issue, and a school naming policy report for the public school board.

  • Rose City Politics: The Marvelous Ms. Munro

    Rose City Politics: The Marvelous Ms. Munro

    New regular panelist Melinda Munro joins Kiemia, Jon, Don, and Doug this week. Kiemia walks us through the upcoming Council agenda and the panel discusses the process, substance and politics of the 2023 City Budget based on initial reports. Add a couple of For Your Consideration items and you’ve got a show.

  • Rose City Politics: Reeve of the Wasteland

    Rose City Politics: Reeve of the Wasteland

    Rose City Politics discuss the auto industry and Windsor’s economy, Project Arrow, Invest Windsor-Essex’s agenda for 2023 and a scuffle between APMA and the Mayor’s office over the 2022 Ambassador Bridge blockade.

  • Rose City Politics: 2022 YEAR IN REVIEW

    Rose City Politics: 2022 YEAR IN REVIEW

    Doug and Jon did a rundown of the TOP 10 listened to episodes of ROSE CITY POLITICS for 2022 (from lowest to highest). Rose City Politics is brought to you with the kind support of LiUNA Local 625: Building Better Communities. Support the show on Find us in print in Biz X Magazine, online…

  • Rose City Politics: Fill em’ Up with Coney Dogs

    Rose City Politics: Fill em’ Up with Coney Dogs

    Jon, Don, and Doug are joined by Raheem Younes, owner and founder of RaheemCo, to talk about his participation in the new Southwestern Ontario Black Entrepeneurship Network. Later, we talk about the Mayor’s trip to South Korea and riff on auto industry matters.

  • RCP SHOW: Carry On, Kiemia

    RCP SHOW: Carry On, Kiemia

    Kiemia Rezagian hosts a new segment, Carry on Kiemia, about the upcoming city council agenda, the panel discusses a GECDSB policy proposal to require new books be publicized before circulation, & Windsor ranked BEST of the WORST cities for commuting to work via sustainable transportation.

  • RCP SHOW: Don’t Burn the Place Down with Your Candles

    RCP SHOW: Don’t Burn the Place Down with Your Candles

    Jon and Doug are joined by Gabriel Ciavaglia of Activate Transit Windsor Essex and newly-elected Ward 3 Councillor Renaldo Agostino to talk about the ward 3 election, Council approving the largest-ever Transit Windsor investment, & the clossure of an emergency shelter for residents of condemned downtown apartment.

  • RCP SHOW: Shit Sucks, But It’s Not Your Fault

    RCP SHOW: Shit Sucks, But It’s Not Your Fault

    Jon and Doug chat about the megahospital construction timeline, a photograph of Mayor Dilkens that has surfaced and raised eyebrows online, the new County Warden, and more.

  • RCP SHOW: Stay in your lane, Sartori

    RCP SHOW: Stay in your lane, Sartori

    Don, Jon and Doug talk about municipal governance reform in Ontario and the inauguration of a new council.

  • RCP SHOW: Schlub’s Rights

    RCP SHOW: Schlub’s Rights

    Jon and Doug are joined by Councillor-Elect Angelo Marignani to talk about: Rose City Politics is brought to you with the kind support of LiUNA Local 625: Building Better Communities. Support the show on Find us in print in Biz X Magazine, online at and

  • RCP SHOW: Nu Q Lear

    RCP SHOW: Nu Q Lear

    Doug and Jon are joined by Ward 9 Councillor Kieran McKenzie to discuss his election campaign and the landscape on Council moving forward.

  • RCP SHOW: Tune out the Pundits

    RCP SHOW: Tune out the Pundits

    Don, Jon and Doug dive deep into the 2022 Windsor election results & POST MORTEM; 3 New Councillors; Councillors that got more than 50%; Data analysis + accessibility issues; How Holt won most weeks yet lost the election; Mayor Dilkens says to tune out the…pundits?

  • RCP SHOW: Professional Jai-alai

    RCP SHOW: Professional Jai-alai

    Don, Jon, and Doug cover the latest in the Mayor and Ward races in the Windsor Election. Rose City Politics is brought to you with the kind support of LiUNA Local 625: Building Better Communities. Support the show on Find us in print in Biz X Magazine, online at and

  • RCP SHOW: Live from Maiden Lane

    RCP SHOW: Live from Maiden Lane

    Don, Jon, and Doug take a break from two plus years of Zoom-based podcasts to get together for a more casual conversation over drinks and snacks at Maiden Lane Wine & Spirits. The panel discusses: Rose City Politics is brought to you with the kind support of LiUNA Local 625: Building Better Communities. Support the…

  • RCP SHOW: The Shadowy Cabal

    RCP SHOW: The Shadowy Cabal

    Don, Jon, and Doug roll the dice and talk ward politics, and cover the latest developments in the Mayor’s race.

  • RCP SHOW: Chamber of Commerce Mayoral Debate Recap and Analysis

    RCP SHOW: Chamber of Commerce Mayoral Debate Recap and Analysis

    Doug and Jon recap and review the discussion at this week’s Mayoral debate hosted by the Windsor-Essex Chamber of Commerce. Rose City Politics is brought to you with the kind support of LiUNA Local 625: Building Better Communities. Support the show at

  • RCP SHOW: Detroit River Shark Watch

    RCP SHOW: Detroit River Shark Watch

    Don, Jon and Doug are on board tonight for our usual election time segments: Ward 9 Die Roller, This Week in The Mayor’s Race, This Week in Council Races, and Election Tips. Rose City Politics is brought to you with the kind support of LiUNA Local 625: Building Better Communities. Support the show on…

  • RCP SHOW: ZuuZuu & Escobar

    RCP SHOW: ZuuZuu & Escobar

    Don, Jon and Doug are joined by WindsorOntario subreddit moderator “ZuuZuu” to talk about their coverage of the municipal election, Die Roller lands on Ward 1, This Week in The Mayor’s Race, a discussion on press releases and earned media for ward candidates, and For Your Consideration. Rose City Politics is brought to you with…

  • RCP SHOW: Don Makes it Creepy

    RCP SHOW: Don Makes it Creepy

    Don, Jon and Doug talk about Mayor Dilkens’ health care announcement, break down municipal candidate sign wars, plus the Die Roller dictates we analyze Ward 8, and For Your Consideration. Rose City Politics is brought to you with the kind support of LiUNA Local 625: Building Better Communities. Support the show at Find us…

  • RCP Show: Know Your Ward with Frazier Fathers

    RCP Show: Know Your Ward with Frazier Fathers

    Guest panelist Frazier Fathers joins Don, Jon and Doug to talk about the demography of Windsor’s wards, Die Roller decides on Ward 7, federal electoral district changes in Windsor-Essex, and the lawsuit filed by fired unvaccinated city workers. Rose City Politics is brought to you with the kind support of LiUNA Local 625: Building Better…

  • RCP Show: Back Door to the City

    RCP Show: Back Door to the City

    Jon, Don and Doug roll the Die Roller and break down Ward 10, review the reaction from municipalities to the province’s proposed strong mayor powers, and talk about eyebrow-raising municipal honours in Windsor. Rose City Politics is brought to you with the kind support of LiUNA Local 625: Building Better Communities. We appear monthly in…

  • RCP Show: Dungeons and Dragons and Driving

    RCP Show: Dungeons and Dragons and Driving

    Don, Jon and Doug try out a new segment called Die Roller and analyze Ward 4, and talk about the debate around Mayoral Candidate Chris Holt’s Vision Zero policy announcement. Rose City Politics is brought to you with the kind support of LiUNA Local 625: Building Better Communities. Read our stuff at BizXMagazine.Com and…